Monday, August 25, 2014

lol school starts tomorrow and im not mentally prepared

howdy everyone! tomorrow is the day i've been dreading for the past 6 weeks or so... yes back to school. no matter how many back to school hauls, tips n tricks or school supplies giveaways i watch on youtube, im still not motivated. sorry but not even the allure of seeing people i havent talked to is encouraging me to get on a bus at 6:45AM (!!!), forcibly sacrificing my much loved but most likely unhealthy sleep schedule.

this post is not to complain about bts. it is actually about to take a turn for (hopefully) the better. i used to like the idea of new years resolutions. the idea of making a bucket list kinda thing but with little everyday things was very appealing. until the whole stigma of no one eVeR sticking to their resolutions justifies YoU never sticking to your resolutions. (yes i know its not the new year lemme finish). and for the past couple of years i've made back to school ~resolutions~ (they were more like goals) but this year, this year is different. im NOT making resolutions, i'm am making new HaBiTs to do? to follow? you get what i mean. maybe some of these will inspire you? maybe not, dats cool 2.

~~ NaOMiS neW haBiTs ~~

i have this terrible habit (that i will change) of not doing things i know are good for me, putting on sunscreen every day, flossing, and drinking 8 cups of water a day. i am absolutely positive YOU have heard at least ONE of these things and the benefits of it at least ONCE in your life. (if not google it, i bet theres some info there) more times than not, i think about doing these things.....

which is why im gonna bring a water bottle to school and find a sunscreen thats not disgustingly oily/white and take the time to floss. at least thats what im shooting for.

my previously mentioned sleeping times are probs not the best. and in the beginning of the year when the weather is warmer, the days longer, the homework load a smidge lighter, its the best time to start! and also because i have to wake up hella early, i cant keep up the 11:30 to midnight bedtime i have been implementing thus far.

my bedroom floor is perpetually covered in a heap of my clothes + hangers. my desk is usually the place i stick stuff if i need it out of my room. so this year im going to make the effort to keep both areas clean for longer than a week or two. also since my sister who i share/shared? a room with is in college then i have more space to spread out, cover in clothes, but most importantly keep tidy ^-^

okkkk thats all for today folks :) have a good week/month/idkwuttimemeasurementyouwantmetouse

xx naomi

ps. i would include procrastination but im pretty sure thats just built in with the optimistic thinking of the beginning of a new school year.

gif creds go to google images
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Monday, August 11, 2014

flea markets

so i went to a flea market on saturday (avec mon amie)! it was super cool, although i was definitely expecting something different. it wasnt bad i just thought it was going to be inside, with more food related stuff than clothes and furniture. i was basically thinking of an indoor food market that i've been to before in my area. this flea market was more like a farmer's market setting but instead of everyone selling fresh produce or homemade fill in the blank people sell mason jars, old books and furniture. well there is food but at the particular flea market i went to the food options were more like restaurants. not like restaurant sit down place with a menu and stuff, but restaurant like an ice cream place would rent out a tent and use that to sell food from their menu. oh yeah and a couple food trucks.

anyway, flea markets are fun n all but if you are looking for functional stuff, you're out of luck. there are tons of knick knacks, jewelry (does that count as functional? idk), artwork, old maps, old cameras (functionality mostly depends if they work or not), but there are jars, shelves and stools etc. i overheard a woman talking to a man (presumably her significant other, but ya never know) as i walked by and i think she summed up flea markets perfectly in this {paraphrased} quote: "everything here is super cute and i want all of it but i just dont know where to put any of it!"

so yeah. i got a small shelf tho and an old composition (no not the black and white speckled ones) and a couple of postcards (pre-90's woah). yay!

i just wouldnt go to a flea market like every weekend because you could easily accumulate ~clutter~ (not you, i mean generally, i know i could) because theres just so much cute stuff!! (idk about your flea market(s), but there was a good amount of things that if i had room with a certain decor or lots o moneys i would most definitely buy!). if you do want a weekly outdoor markety thing, farmers markets are great! its mostly food, but there are other things too :)


REMEMBER TO WEAR SUNSCREEN AND BRING SUNGLASSES AND BRING A REFRESHING (preferably cold) BEVERAGE (my friend and i learned the hard way on this. the drink wasnt a big deal, you can just buy water)

have an uber cool day or week or idk what unit of time to use, so _________________ (fill in the blank!)

xx naomi
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Monday, July 28, 2014

the stages of binge-watching

the title says it all really, i recently finished binge watching a show ( UGLY BETTY(!!!!!!!) and yes my life is incomplete) and i think no matter what kind of show someone binge watches, it usually goes something like this...

1. you are referred to watch the show (is that proper grammar? probs not. (srry grammar nazis. wait thats cultural appropriation i think, ah srry cultural appropriation-ists. i can never win))

     this can go down a couple of different ways, including (but not limited to): a friend tells you to watch it, you hear about it everywhere (*cough* orange is the new black *cough*), or in my case i saw my sister watching Ugly Betty. Any of these things all lead you to start your weeks worth (depending on the episode length/number of episodes) hibernation in front of your computer (because who binge watches things on the television??)

2. you begin the show

     ok, im guessing it can only go two ways from here. either you are glued to the screen within a matter of minutes of the pilot starting (which was my experience) or i guess you just dont get into the show, which is fine too, except this whole post wont really apply to you. whateverrrrrr.

3. you binge-watch the show 

     boring step, self-explanatory, not much to add besides you probably talk about it all the time, ok next "stage". (this is kinda sounding like a sickness......take that how you will) oh and most likely you will see that one guy who was in _______ or that girl who was an extra in that one special about blah blah blah, you get the gist. i downloaded the IMDB app just for these things because it happened at least 5 times in my experience.

4. you end the tv show

     after the final finale i felt as though all the characters were family members who died. and we only have old voicemails or home videos left of them (this feeling will become more prominent depending on the number of seasons). no more seeing them get older (as in a teenager, not a middle aged person because that'd be weird to want to see them get or IF A CERTAIN SHOW NEVER GAVE THEIR VIEWERS THE CLARITY OF IDK A KISS IN THE LAST SCENE EVER?!?! on that same note, inevitably there will be something you dont agree with/like in the last episode (himym, anyone? i actually never watched that but the finale seemed to have extreme mixed reviews.)

5. you try pretty much anything to keep the show alive

     or was it just me who looked up interviews of the actors about the show, imdb-d each cast member to see what else they were in, and scrolled through dozens of gifs on tumblr?

hope that partially applied to you, maybe? or at least enjoyed my mediocre writing skillz

xx naomi

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Saturday, July 12, 2014

social media concerns

hey everyone!

i dont know if this happens to everyone, probably not, but it happens to me and for some reason it doesnt seem healthy? no, well i dont know the word but it just seems off. and that is obsessing over likes. whether is on facebook (yeah, no one goes on fb anymore, i know), tumblr, twitter, flickr, instagram, or any other social media. tbh i dont use flickr and i have a twitter to have a twitter but i never tweet, and im taking a break from tumblr beause im bored of it at the moment. so what does that leave us? no not facebook. we are over facebook apperantly. well i go there when im bored but i never really post pictures. SO, what does that leave us? yep, insta!

i feel like i have this unhealthy habit whenever i post a picture i obsessively check to see how many likes i get. like every two minutes i check again and again and again. i feel stupid doing it as well, but i like (haha get it? yeah no im not that funny...) to see WHO likes my pictures, whether its someone im really intimidated from my school or someone i used to have the biggest crush on from first grade. and like if certain people who usually like my pictures dont im like whats different with this picture? when they probably just havent seen it in their feed. i feel as though no one else does this, that its only me that cares about likes, mostly because lots of the people i follow have upwards of 80 or 90 likes everytime (i dont. usually i have about 50/60). then i creep on people and look at their follower count/how many people they follow and i think 'oh you have lots of likes for not a lot of follower' or vice versa and it bothers me that i do this! like i just feel worse and worse because i compare myself to these other people! UGH. I NEED TO STOPPPPPPPP. it shouldnt matter how many likes i get compared to someone else my age. likes shouldnt determine how pretty or how "cool" or "popular" you are. and maybe they dont! maybe this is all in my head, maybe im just super insecure and think too much but who knows? its just a pet peeve of mine but i ONLY see myself do it, so im just annoyed at myself.

ok.... well, yeah i hope you dont think im a weird creepy stalker freak now! (well actually i probably seem like it now reading this over..) anyway i just had to get this off my shoulders and im going to go now. and attempt at living my "instagram life" NOT CARING!! lol jokes idk if i can do that. but i'll try. maybe i'll delete the app but not my account. whatever. im really going now. promise. im pretty bad with online goodbyes. ttyl.

xx naomi

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Monday, June 30, 2014

concerts, concerts, concerts

hello everyone! wowie it was a busy weekend. i started a job watching some pets, went to a concert about an hour away, went to the Bruno Mars concert AND went to the Delta Rae concert (and of course continued binge watching Ugly Betty).

The Iron and Wine concert wasnt really my thing, i mean i'd never heard their music before, well his music before. it was one guy. I liked the opener though, the Secret Sisters, i think they were called. They were mostly country, i really liked their harmonies. Oh, Iron and Wine was kind of... i dont really know the genre but the songs are pretty similar. or maybe i just thought they were because i'd never heard them before. I liked the venue though because we could just sit down and there was not a lot of screaming (besides the slightly hammered 20 something man who'd yell ow ow ow after every. single. song.)

the Bruno Mars concert was so good! it was a totally different vibe than Iron and Wine, obviously. lots of screaming, way more energy and he was a great performer. i really liked how the lights changed when the drums were hit i guess? i'm not describing it very well but i feel like you will know what im talking about. I also liked that he had a sax player and trombone player (i forget if there was another horn instrument or not) in addition to the usual bass guitar/regular electric guitar and the drummer.the opener Aloe Blacc was good as well, i didnt know he sang the song Wake Me Up (by avicci, i guess avicci is like the dj or something) or the song called The Man (im the man im the man im the man). here are a few pictures my friend took:

and then my sister and i went to the Delta Rae concert last night and that was so fun! however, there werent any seats, so we stood the whole time, which was fine but my knees hurt for a bit after. it was my first time at the house of blues. it wasnt too packed which i liked because i found this band a year and a half ago and they arent that popular, idk do you ever feel like a band you like is "your band" kind of? and it wasnt as hot because there wasnt tons of people! and i was in what you'd call the third row, but it wasnt organized like that. ANYWAY, they were super energetic and cool and here are some pictures (am i allowed to post videos? idk.. just to be safe i wont but check out their youtube videos/spotify if you want to hear their music)

so that was my weekend. thanks for reading :) have a super day

xx naomi

ps does anyone get my attempt at a modern family reference with the title? like closets, closets, closets, closets? i would've added another concerts but i only went to three. 
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Thursday, June 26, 2014

introduction? more of a disclaimer, i think

Hello anyone who is reading this! I'm Naomi, nice to meet you. I hope you will stick around here as i live out my life and document it at times. I'm no beauty guru, diy expert or professional baker but i will test my luck at hopefully many different topics, so please bear with me. I'm excited to do this because i'd much rather type all my feelings than try to express them in awkward videos (i tried to make youtube videos for a while).

anyway, i dont have to worry about editting or music copyright issues here so that'll be grand! (i am fond of ignoring certain punctuation by the way. expect lots of non-capitalized letters, made up words and run-on sentences. i will try to keep my there/their/they're's and your/you're's correct though, because that bothers me.) welp. i dont know what to say..... i guess that means im done for now. i'm going to think of this lil blog as a kind of journal, without the sappy boy drama and such because im afraid that is non-existent at the moment.

ok! well thats all i have to say for now. i think this will be easier for me to post on a regular basis because i can just type out my feelings and press a few buttons without the trouble of video quality or timing or whatever tedious editing things i'd attempt to do on windows movie maker. bye bye have a good week :)

xx naomi

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